
Three arrests at protest at site in Co Wicklow

Three people have been arrested at a protest at a site earmarked to accommodate international protection applicants in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow.

Members of the Garda Public Order Unit have been deployed to the site.

Gardaí say the public order incident is ongoing and no further information is available.

Videos online appear to show material being burned at the entrance to the site known as Trudder House or River Lodge.

Earlier, videos also appeared to show some scuffles between gardaí and protesters.

There has been ongoing protests in the area since construction work began last month on the former HSE site, which the Department of Integration said it was considering locating 28 person tents for international protection applicants.

Earlier this month, a small fire was lit on the site which gardaí confirmed they were investigating.

Locals say they object to the site being used to accommodate asylum seekers, saying the site is unsuitable and that the resources of the village are already overstreched .

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