
Housing development waiver may be extended

Taoiseach Simon Harris has mooted that the Government may look at extending the temporary waiver on development contributions for new residential developments.

Mr Harris made the comments ahead of this afternoon’s Cabinet subcommittee on housing.

“What I want to do when I chair my first cabinet meeting on housing today is look at what more we can do in terms of practical measures to support supply,” Mr Harris said.

I think we have a shared view that the waiver on the development levies is something that’s working … if you have an initiative that’s working, if you have an initiative that’s making a difference, that could make an even further difference, that’s something I would like to prioritise with Minister O’Brien,” he added.

Mr Harris also said he will not provide “a running commentary on every latest budget idea”.

Speaking at an event in Lucan, Mr Harris was responding to questions regarding comments made by Minister for Finance Michael McGrath about Budget 2025 over the weekend, while attending the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis.

He said that “every party has its own Ard Fheis and every party has every right to set out its own perspective.”

Mr Harris added: “My job as Taoiseach of the country, my job as the leader of the Government is to work with the other party leaders and colleagues across the Cabinet table to put in place a good, decent Budget in the autumn and that’s what we’re going to do.

“Budget processes do seem to come earlier every year” he quipped, but he said that his “priority is running a stable Government”.

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