
Gardai question man in violent death case in Co Kildare

Gardai are questioning a man in his forties in connection the violent death of another man in County Kildare.

The body of the man was found at a house in Eustace Demense in Naas yesterday afternoon.

The scene has been preserved and a post mortem is due to be carried out later today.

The suspect was arrested on suspicion of murder.

The criminal investigation commenced when a man went into a Garda station and reported that he believed a person may have been killed in County Kildare.

Gardai then went to a house in the Eustace Demense estate on the outskirts of Naas where they discovered the body of a man in the garden at around 1.30pm.

He is believed to have been living there with at least one other person and had been the victim of a violent assault.

The scene was sealed off and the Garda Technical Bureau is to conduct a forensic examination today.

The state pathologist’s office was alerted and a preliminary examination was carried out yesterday afternoon before the body was removed to the Mortuary at Naas General Hospital.

A post mortem to determine the time and cause of death will take place later today.

Gardai then went to a house in the Eustace Demense estate where they discovered the body of a man

Gardai say this will determine the course of the investigation however they are treating the case as murder and have assigned to it the resources of a murder investigation.

A short time after the body was discovered a man in his forties was arrested on suspicion of murder.

He was taken to a Garda station in Kildare where he is being detained under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

He has been provided with access to legal representation and medical attention and can be questioned for up to 24 hours.

Garda Headquarters said in a statement last night that “Gardaí are investigating all the circumstances surrounding the discovery of a body in Naas, County Kildare, on the afternoon of Sunday 14th April 2024.

“The body of a man was discovered at approximately 1:30pm at a residence in Eustace Demesne in Naas. The body has since been removed to the Mortuary at Naas General Hospital.

They continued: “The Office of the State Pathologist has been notified and a post-mortem examination is expected to take place on the afternoon of Monday 15th April 2024, the results of which will determine the course of the Garda investigation.

“The scene remains preserved for technical examination this evening.

“A man in his 40s has been arrested as part of this investigation and he is currently being detained at a Garda Station in County Kildare under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.”

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