
Burkina Faso suspends more foreign media over HRW report

Burkina Faso has suspended more media outlets over their coverage of a Human Rights Watch report accusing the army of carrying out more attacks on civilians in its battle against jihadists.

The military government has now banned a French network TV and the websites of Le Monde, The Guardian as well as the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

The other news media named in the latest statement, were French regional newspaper Ouest-France, APAnews and Agence Ecofin.

On Thursday, the CSC announced it had directed internet service providers to suspend transmissions by the BBC, Voice Of America and Human Rights Watch from Burkinabe territory for two weeks.

The military rulers of Burkina Faso have dismissed as “baseless” the claims by HRW that its soldiers had killed at least 223 villagers in two attacks on February 25.

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