
Ballot boxes to be opened ahead of local election count

Ballot boxes are due to be opened from 9am this morning, ahead of the counting of votes for the local and European elections this weekend.

Counting for the local elections will begin later today.

However, the counting of votes for the European Parliament race will not start until after 10pm tomorrow night, when all polling stations across the EU have closed.

The count for the Limerick mayoral contest is not expected to begin until Monday.

When the ballot boxes are opened later this morning, votes will be separated into different piles for the local, European and mayoral election in Limerick.

It is expected that tally results for the local elections will start to come through as the morning goes on.

Tallies will also be conducted in Limerick for the mayoral race.

However, tallies for the European elections could prove to be more difficult to conduct, although sample results from across the country might emerge.

Official counting of votes for the local elections will get underway later today.

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