
Who’s who following Simon Harris’s Cabinet reshuffle

Simon Harris’s appointment as Ireland’s new Taoiseach has brought some changes to the line-up of ministers who make up the Government.

The Government is made up of 18 ministries, which include cabinet and junior ministry positions.

The full changes to the Fine Gael ministers of state will be announced tomorrow.

Changes made to the Cabinet:

Fine Gael leader Simon Harris is the new Taoiseach.

Peter Burke is the new Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, replacing Simon Coveney who announced he would not be returning to Cabinet when the Dáil returned after Easter.

Patrick O’Donovan is the new Minister Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, a post previously held by Mr Harris.

Patrick O’Donovan (L) and Peter Burke (R)

The rest of the Cabinet roles are unchanged:

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin is Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan is Minister for Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport.

Helen McEntee (FG) is staying as Minister for Justice.

Paschal Donohoe (FG) remains as Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform.

Heather Humphreys (FG) will remain Minister for Social Protection, Rural and Community Development.

Hildegarde Naughton (FG) will remain as Government Chief Whip and Minister of State with responsibility for Special Education & Inclusion at the Department of Education.

Heather Humphreys, Paschal Donohoe and Helen McEntee will keep their current positions

Stephen Donnelly (FF) is Minister for Health.

Roderic O’Gorman (Greens) is Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Charlie McConalogue (FF) is Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Norma Foley (FF) is Minister for Education.

Michael McGrath (FF) Minister for Finance.

Darragh O’Brien (FF) is Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Catherine Martin (Greens) is Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Ministers of State in attendance at Government meetings:

Jack Chambers (FF) is Minister for International and Road Transport and Logistics at the Department of Transport, as well as Minister of State for postal policy at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications;

Senator Pippa Hackett as Minister of State for land use and biodiversity at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Jennifer Carroll MacNeill as Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Foreign Affairs, with special responsibility for EU Affairs and as Minister of State at the Department of Defence.

The Fine Gael reshuffle has also led to vacancies in junior minister roles.

There will be a new Minister of State with responsibility for EU Affairs, following Peter Burke’s promotion, while there will also be a new Minister of State with responsibility for the OPW and the Gaeltacht, after Patrick O’Donovan was moved to the Cabinet.

More details on the other positions, if they will be changed or reshuffled, will be announced tomorrow.

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