
Unanswered questions over the princess’ photoshop

Britain’s Princess Kate’s photoshop controversy does not bode well for the future royal family’s ability to deal with media attention and that, in modern times, is probably the most important task in literally keeping the show on the road.

There are many unanswered questions including the basic one as to why the photograph was edited.

There is also the question that if the intention was to be transparent and quash lurid conspiracy theories, then why was a professional photographer not brought in?

Instead, the public was given an image taken by the royal couple themselves that was found to have been doctored.

The story has dominated British newspapers

The following day an indistinct photo was published by media organisations showing the Princess in a car with her husband Prince William. She was looking away from the camera.

The public was told that the prince was going to a service in Westminster Cathedral to mark Commonwealth Day while the Princess was going instead to an unspecified appointment.

This followed the prince’s no-show at a memorial service on 27 February in Windsor Castle for his godfather Constantine II of Greece.

William had been due to give a reading but an official statement said he could not attend because of a “personal matter”.

The prince’s spokespeople would not elaborate further.

However, the fact is that the Prince and Princess of Wales live in Adelaide Cottage on the grounds of Windsor Castle and very close to St George’s Chapel where the memorial service was being held.

One could be forgiven for thinking that the ‘Waleses’ were deliberately trying to create a mystery.

The Princess of Wales’ absence from public view had already given rise to a host of online conspiracy theories: that the princess was actually dead or recovering from cosmetic surgery or taking part in a reality TV show or in a coma (the last one which was published by a Spanish journalist had to be officially denied).

Read more:
What appears to have been manipulated in the Princess Kate image?
Kate Middleton sorry for ‘any confusion’ over edited photo

Kate has undergone surgery that required a two week stay in hospital and a two-month rest from official appointments.

That in itself would suggest a serious condition and one which the Princess of Wales would not like to share the details of with the world and then there is the effect on her three young children.

However “photogate” has rebounded badly.

As Colonel of the Irish Guards who will be performing the Trooping of the Colour, she would normally be expected review the regiment ahead of the main ceremony to mark King Charles’ official birthday

The Daily Mail published the photo showing 16 different signs of digital alteration many of which featured details on the children and of course, instead of quashing rumours it has given them some credence.

There was also the issue of the removal of Princess Kate’s name from a Trooping of the Colour ceremony which is said to have caused friction between the Prince and Princess’ of Wales team based at Kensington Palace and King Charles’ at Buckingham Palace

Kate was due to return to royal duties after Easter.

As Colonel of the Irish Guards who will be performing the Trooping of the Colour she would normally be expected review the regiment ahead of the main ceremony to mark King Charles’ official birthday which is on 15 June.

However, when the army advertised tickets and stated that the Princess would be reviewing the guards on 8 June, they were told by Kensington Palace to remove that reference as no confirmation had yet been given.

Buckingham Palace staff were said to be annoyed that the Waleses did not notify the army that her attendance was not confirmed.

The view from Kensington Palace was that the army had acted without getting clearance.

Either way, it became something of a public row and definitely caused embarrassment to the Ministry of Defence who had sold tickets on the basis that the Princess would be there.

Kate’s name along with her photograph was removed from the army’s website on 6 March.

The Princess then released her photograph on 10 March which was Mother’s Day.

However it was also Prince Edward’s 60th birthday and Princess Kate’s photo completely overshadowed any hope of publicity he was going to get.

According to media reports, there is quite a bit of criticism going around in royal circles.

It is of course a difficult job maintaining royal protocol and public confidence while at the same time having some private life but the royal family has been dealing with this for decades if not centuries and there is a vast amount of corporate experience available.

The Prince and Princess of Wales seem to want a more secluded role.

If that is the case, then so far the idea is backfiring.

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