
UK parliment passes Rwanda asylum bill

The British government’s scheme to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda looks likely to become law by the end of the week.

The Rwanda Bill finally passed both Houses of Parliament during a late night sitting and is expected to be given royal assent within days.

The plan was first unveiled by the British government two years ago when Boris Johnson was prime minister.

However, the first flight was stopped by an injunction by the European Court of Human Rights.

In addition, the British Supreme Court later ruled that Rwanda was not a safe country to process asylum applications.

The British government came back with a new law which was finally passed after five failed attempts by the House of Lords to amend it.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said the deportation flights will start within 12 weeks.

However, the Labour Party has described the scheme as a gimmick and have vowed to scrap it if they win the next election.

UK home secretary James Cleverly has said the government’s Rwanda Bill passing through parliament is a “landmark moment in our plan to stop the boats”.

In a video posted to social media, he said: “The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed in parliament and it will become law within days.

He added: “The Act will prevent people from abusing the law by using false human rights claims to block removals. And it makes clear that the UK parliament is sovereign, giving government the power to reject interim blocking measures imposed by European courts.

“I promised to do what was necessary to clear the path for the first flight. That’s what we have done.

“Now we’re working day in and day out to get flights off the ground,” Mr Cleverly said.

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