
Terrorism, conflict risks ‘compounded by low investment’

The risks posed by armed conflict, terrorism and hybrid security threats are compounded by Ireland’s low level of investment in military and defence, according to the National Risk Assessment.

The National Risk Assessment seeks to identify risks facing the country.

It found that the risks arising from terrorist incidents and armed conflicts have become considerably more relevant after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the threat that this poses to European security and prosperity.

Concerns about threats to strategic infrastructure, cybersecurity and maritime security, including the risk to telecommunications and energy transmission infrastructure from acts of sabotage, have become more pressing, the report found.

The presence of significant communication and cloud infrastructure in Ireland exposes the country to an additional degree of risk from both State and non-State actors, the report said.

It added that the disruptive effect of cyberattacks was starkly demonstrated by the HSE cyber security incident in May 2021.

Foreign information manipulation and interference also poses a risk to the security of the State, according to the assessment.

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