
Status Red warning for three counties

Met Éireann has issued a Status Red wind warning for counties Galway, Mayo and Donegal due to high winds as Storm Isha arrives.

The warning is in place for Galway and Mayo from 5pm and is valid until 9pm. The alert for Donegal is valid from 9pm until 1am tomorrow.

The forecaster has warned of dangerous coastal conditions with high waves, as well as treacherous travelling conditions. It also warned of the risk of significant and widespread power outages.

A Status Yellow wind warning for the entire country will come into place from 11am until 4am tomorrow.

A Status Orange wind warning for Donegal, Galway and Mayo will take effect from 4pm until 3am tomorrow.

The same weather alert will take effect for Leinster, Munster, Cavan, Monaghan, Leitrim, Roscommon and Sligo from 5pm and expires at 2am.

The forecaster said that the Orange warning is likely to result in fallen trees, damage to power lines and difficult travelling conditions.

It also warned those in coastal regions of significant waves with wave overtopping.

The National Emergency Coordination Group will meet at 10am and will issue a statement following their meeting.

Meanwhile, the Road Safety Authority has advised road users to be aware of possible debris and loose objects becoming displaced during this period of strong winds.

Gardaí are also appealing to road users to be cautious as the Status Orange wind warning comes into effect later on.

A Status Yellow gale warning for all coasts and on the Irish Sea is in effect until 2pm.

The alert will be upgraded to a Status Orange storm warning for all coasts and on the Irish Sea from 2pm until 7pm.

A Status Red storm warning Erris Head to Bloody Foreland to Fair Head is in effect from 7pm

A Status Red marine warning will apply from Loop Head to Rossan Point to Fair Head, with the forecaster warning southwest to west winds will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.

This alert is in effect from 5pm until 1am tomorrow morning.

A Status Orange storm warning will be in place on Irish coastal waters from Fair Head to Hook Head to Erris Head and on the Irish Sea from 7pm until 1am tomorrow morning.

The forecaster warns that southwest to west winds will reach gale force 8 to storm force 10 during this time.

The National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management will meet this morning virtually to review the situation and is liaising with Met Éireann.

Meanwhile, the UK Met Office says that Storm Isha will bring a spell of very strong winds to Northern Ireland during the evening into tomorrow.

It said disruption to travel and utilities is likely.

An Amber wind warning for Northern Ireland will be in place from 6pm until 9am tomorrow morning.

It also issued a separate Status Yellow wind warning that will be valid from midday until 12pm tomorrow.

Storm Isha marks only the second time in storm season that the letter I has been reached in the alphabet.

Storm seasons run from the start of September to the end of the following August.

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