
Properties searched in connection with hotel fire

A number of properties have been searched by gardaí in Co Galway as part of the ongoing investigation into an arson attack on a disused hotel near Oughterard last month.

Four locations in the Roscahill area were searched this morning, by members of the Divisional Crime Unit.

Gardaí said the operation was focused on gathering evidence in relation to the fire that caused significant damage to the Ross Lake House Hotel on 16 December.

A number of items have been seized and will be subject to further analysis.

No arrests were made during this morning’s operation.

Detectives investigating the fire at the hotel say they have taken over 140 statements to date, as the effort to identify those responsible for starting the blaze continues.

It occurred on the weekend that a number of people staged a protest near the premises, to object to plans to house over 70 asylum seekers there.

Gardaí have reiterated an appeal for anybody with information that might assist the inquiry to come forward.

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