
Over 360 asylum seekers without accommodation

More than 360 recently arrived asylum seekers are now without State provided accommodation, according to the latest figures published by the Department of Integration.

There are now 362 without, an increase of 54 since Wednesday.

At total of 474 new male international protection applicants presented to the International Protection Office (IPO) since Monday 4 December, when the Government ceased offering accommodation to all but the most vulnerable, citing a “severe shortage”.

A spokesperson for the Department said that “all male IPAs (International Protection Applicants) who present to the IPO during this period are assessed by IPAS (International Protection Accommodation Service) and HSE (Health Service Executive) staff for significant vulnerabilities and health issues, and prioritised for accommodation as necessary.”

So far 53 were offered accommodation following an “availability and vulnerability triage”.

421 were initially not offered accommodation when they presented, and of those 59 have since been offered a space.

Offers of accommodation are still being made to woman and children who present seeking International Protection.

Men who are not offered accommodation are being offered an increased Daily Expense Allowance, up from €38.80 per week to €113.80 a week.

Last week the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission brought proceedings in its own name before the High Court seeking to address what it called “the State’s failure to provide for the basic needs, including shelter, of people recently arriving in Ireland and seeking asylum”.

It is the first time the Commission has used this legal power since its establishment.

Last April the High Court ruled that the State’s failure to provide an Afghan asylum with “material reception conditions”, including accommodation, shelter, food and basic hygiene, during another accommodation shortage earlier this year, was unlawful.

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