
Man sentenced to six years for sexual abuse of infant

A 35-year-old man who admitted filming himself sexually abusing an infant boy, and who then shared the video footage with others, has been sentenced for six years, with the final two years suspended.

Jamie Marshall, with an address in Limerick city, pleaded guilty to knowingly possessing child pornography, knowingly producing child pornography, knowingly distributing child pornography; defilement of a child; and using communication technology to facilitate the sexual exploitation of a child, on or before 30 December 2020.

Judge Tom O’Donnell lifted reporting restrictions to allow Marshall to be identified.

He said Marshall was entitled to “credit” on his sentence for pleading guilty to all of the charges at the earliest opportunity, for fully co-operating with the garda investigation, and for having being in custody awaiting sentence since 2 May 2023. He had not taken up bail.

However, the judge said he had to impose an immediate custodial sentence, and he described Marshall’s behaviour as “appalling, vile, egregious, and despicable”.

“It was depravity of the highest order with an infant child,” the judge added.

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