
Language barriers for Ukrainians to get work

Language barriers are among the challenges faced by displaced Ukrainians in Ireland when it comes to trying to access employment and education.

New research from European Migration Network Ireland (EMN Ireland) located within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) explores the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Ireland which requires the provision of supports and services to beneficiaries such as accommodation, access to employment, social welfare, medical care and education.

The study focused on 2023 and found that the difficulties accessing employment and education were largely due to a lack of English language proficiency, compounded by insufficient English language support provision for adults.

Additional challenges hindering access to employment related to difficulties in accessing childcare and transportation, posing significant barriers, especially for those residing in rural areas.

The report found issues related to accessing healthcare and suitable accommodation.

Managing access to both the Irish and online Ukrainian curricula was also reported as a challenge, particularly at the post-primary level.

“The ongoing implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Ireland has provided people displaced from Ukraine with significant, ongoing supports,” said report co-author, Amy Stapleton.

“Nevertheless, this research has underlined several challenges arising, particularly as the displacement of people from Ukraine becomes prolonged.

“Due to their recent introduction, any impact of the changes to supports provided to beneficiaries of temporary protection has yet to be fully understood,” Ms Stapleton said.

The research was co-funded by the European Union and the Department of Justice.

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