
Harris warns of the ‘unthinkable’ at political protests

Taoiseach Simon Harris has urged that warning signs around the abuse of politicians and public figures be taken seriously “before the unthinkable happens”.

The Fine Gael leader has said that politics has become more divisive and dangerous for elected representatives on all sides.

In remarks to be delivered at an event in Monaghan later today, the Taoiseach will say that the homes of politicians have been targeted by “angry mobs” and elected representatives are afraid of what might happen to them or their families.

“We know how this story ends,” Mr Harris will say.

“We have had too many warnings and we need to take them seriously before the unthinkable happens,”.

Today’s event will mark 50 years since the death of Fine Gael Senator Billy Fox, who was the only Oireachtas member to be killed during the Troubles.

Mr Harris will say that while “none since have been shot down in cold blood”, that “we cannot be complacent”.

The Taoiseach is expected to pledge that the “full power of the law” will be used to protect democracy and that the far right or far left will not be allowed to “threaten, intimidate, or worse”.

Mr Harris will criticise attacks on gardaí as “an attack on democracy” and say that perpetrators must face the full rigours of the law.

He will also call for a return of what he terms “civilised debate”.

Read more: Threats undermine democracy, says O’Gorman after protest outside his home

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