
Govt urged to upskill international protection applicants

Chambers Ireland is calling on the government to spend the National Training Fund surplus on upskilling people seeking international protection in Ireland.

According to the business group, the fund is in a surplus of in excess of €1.5 billion, a figure that could pass €2 billion by the end of 2025.

Launching a new initiative “Closing Skills Gaps: Intensive Language Training”, Chambers Ireland said the government and opposition parties should take a practical and pragmatic approach towards people who are seeking international protection in Ireland.

It said that intensive language lessons for applicants would raise employment rates and raise earnings.

It would also help address the skills shortages being encountered by employers.

“Our members are struggling to find people to work as our country has been in full employment for years – 95,000 people joined the workforce in Ireland last year and the unemployment rate has remained flat,” said Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot.

“Meanwhile tens of thousands of people are excluded from the workforce because of poor English language skills – there’s a common-sense approach which helps these people become independent, helps employers find new staff, and takes pressure off government finances at no cost to the state.”

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