
Government mapping website still impacted by cyberattack

The website of State mapping and surveying service, Tailte Éireann, is still not fully operational following a cyberattack almost two weeks ago.

Tailte Éireann is a Government agency that provides a property registration system, property valuation service, and national mapping and surveying infrastructure for the State.

Its website was among a number of Government sites targeted by a cyberattack around the time of the European elections on 7 June.

Hacktivist launched the attacks as part of an orchestrated campaign of cyberattacks across EU member states.

Users of the Tailte Éireann site who click a link to purchase a map from its online store are greeted with a warning message that reads: “Due to technical difficulties, our order processing is temporarily unavailable. We’re working to resume normal service as soon as possible. Once we’re back, we’ll process all pending orders.”

Tailte Éireann said the problem is linked to the recent cyberattacks targeting Government websites.

“Recently, as reported, several Government websites, including Tailte Éireann, were targeted by a cyberattack,” a spokesperson said.

“As a precautionary measure, we turned off access to one of our websites. We expect to have it turned back on by tomorrow at the latest,” Tailte Éireann said.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has described the 7 June cyberattacks as a series of low impact Distributed Denial of Service or ‘DDoS’ attacks.

A DDoS attack attempts to overwhelm a website or service with a flood of internet traffic, rendering it temporarily inaccessible.

The Department of Environment, Climate and Communications described the impact of the recent cyberattacks as minimal.

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