
Dublin traffic plan needs to proceed immediately

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan has said the Dublin City Traffic Management Plan needs to proceed immediately.

The minister said the plan “is not something that can wait”.

“For the sake of Dublin city and the traders, and the wider public. Dublin needs a boost,” he said.

“I am deeply concerned if we delay,” he added.

The plan outlines changes to the manner in which cars can travel in the capital including bus gates on the quays.

The first phase of the plan is due to be implemented in August and aims to reduce through traffic in the city centre which accounts for around 60% of motor journeys.

However, in recent weeks a number of business groups, including IBEC and the Dublin City Centre Traders Alliance, as well as Minister of State Emer Higgins have called for the plans to be paused.

The business groups cited concerns regarding the impact the traffic plan will have on retail sales and jobs.

he minister said traffic plan ‘should proceed’

Mr Ryan said he would not like to see some of the measures implemented between 7am and 7pm.

“When you start to put conditions in, you weaken the real benefits,” he said.

Mr Ryan said that “the council would have to have a central role”.

“It does have to be city-led,” he said.

“The council couldn’t have been clearer,” he added.

The minister said traffic plan “should proceed”.

“Change won’t be easy, it is difficult,” he admitted.

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