
Dee Forbes not ‘fit or able’ to engage with Media cttee

A solicitor for former RTÉ director general Dee Forbes has said that she is not “fit or able” to engage with the Oireachtas Committee on Media.

In a short letter to the committee, her solicitor said that Ms Forbes is under “active medical care” and that “further medical information” to confirm that she is “unfit to participate in any processes at this time can be provided with the requirement that it is kept confidential”.

On Friday 23 February, the committee wrote to Ms Forbes, requesting that she engage with members either in person, through written statement or via video link.

On foot of receiving the committee’s letter, the solicitor “sought instructions” from their client.

Ms Forbes’ solicitor stated in the letter to the committee that they were instructed that she is “unfit to be involved in any process even with the offer of video links/breaks/written evidence etc.”.

“If you require sight of further medical information on a strictly confidential basis please let us know”, they said.

Committee Chair Niamh Smyth has expressed disappointment that Ms Forbes will not be able to engage with members.

She said that it meant that there would be “unfinished business”, but added that the committee will proceed with completing its report.

Two Government commissioned reports into governance, culture and other matters at RTÉ are due to be finalised at the end of this month.

Following their completion, the Oireachtas Committee on Media intends on holding further public sessions with the expert groups that conducted those Government commissioned reports.

The committee will then finalise its own report.

Earlier this week, the Dáil’s Public Accounts Committee published its report into the controversy at RTÉ, recommending that the broadcaster be brought back under the remit of the Comptroller and Auditor General.

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