
Cost of living measures central to Budget 2025

Taoiseach Simon Harris will signal today that cost of living measures need to be an intrinsic part of Budget 2025.

He will make the announcement at the National Economic Dialogue conference this morning, saying he believes Ireland’s strong economic performance has yet to translate into tangible benefits for some people.

In his address to conference, the Taoiseach will say that the Irish economy is performing well with a record 2.7 million people at work and, alongside this, inflation is on a downward trend.

However, Mr Harris will say that he is aware that cost of living increases has left some people feeling that their personal finances are insecure and might not withstand any further shocks.

To tackle this problem, and provide such people a sense of security, Mr Harris will say he believes that cost of living supports must once again be a focus for Budget 2025.

He will say extra funding is required to keep pace with the expanding population and a cost of living and welfare package that protects the most vulnerable, while Income tax bands and credits must again be properly indexed.

The speech makes no mention of additional energy credits, with a decision expected to be taken closer to the budget so that an assessment can be made on the downward trend in wholesale gas prices.

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