
Australia police return stolen gorilla to retirement home

Australian police returned a much-loved gorilla statue to its natural habitat on Monday after it was stolen from a retirement village last month.

Affectionately called ‘Garry’, the 1.5-metre gorilla statue was stolen from a Melbourne suburb last month.

“Not willing to cop this kind of monkey business, investigators threw their all into locating Garry,” Victoria Police said.

After extensive investigations, officers narrowed their sights toward a residence of interest and called the Air Wing, the police aviation unit of Victoria Police, to conduct a flyover.

“Needless to say our pilots went absolutely bananas when they spotted Garry the Gorilla from their aerial vantage point,” police said.

A search warrant was executed at a residence, and the silverback was safely secured.

Garry was then returned to his rightful position at the entrance of the Leith Park retirement village.

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