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Alert over possible measles exposure on Ryanair flight

The HSE has issued a public health alert for passengers on a recent Ryanair flight over a possible exposure to measles.

The health service said those on board FR123 from London Gatwick to Dublin at 8.10pm last Thursday 16 May, may have been exposed.

The HSE said to be vigilant for signs and symptoms of measles for 21 days from exposure – until 7 June 2024.

Signs of measles include cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing and a cough, sore red eyes, a temperature of 38C or above and a rash, which usually appears on head and neck first and spreads.

People who have received two MMR vaccines, have previously been infected with measles, or were born in Ireland before 1978 are probably immune, the HSE said.

If not probably immune, the HSE recommends avoiding contact with vulnerable people – including pregnant women, babies under 12 months and people with a weakened immune system – until 7 June.

Seek medical advice if symptoms develop, the HSE said.

Vaccination against measles is available from participating GPs.

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