
Aer Lingus pilots reject pay offer

Pilots in Aer Lingus who are members of the Irish Air Line Pilots Association (IALPA), a branch of the Fórsa trade union, have voted overwhelmingly to reject a pay offer based on the findings of the Aer Lingus Pilot Pay Tribunal.

The ballot saw 98.1% of IALPA members voting to reject the offer, with a turnout of just over 96%.

The tribunal had recommended a pay increase of 8.5%, as well as a 1.5% ‘unconsolidated’ or once-off and non-pensionable pay measure over three years.

The pay increase was dependent upon pilots accepting structural changes to their pay and conditions.

IALPA expressed disappointment with the tribunal report and the ballot was issued to members with a recommendation to reject the pay findings.

Captain Mark Tighe, IALPA president, said the pay offer did not reflect the sacrifices made by pilots to sustain the company during the pandemic.

“Reduced pay, terms and conditions were accepted by Aer Lingus pilots during the pandemic to help Aer Lingus with its recovery,” Captain Tighe said.

“However, Aer Lingus management failed to reverse these measures and return pilots back to their pre-Covid conditions as the company recovered.”

“IALPA has informed Aer Lingus of the ballot result, and we remain open for talks with the company to negotiate an improved pay offer,” he added.

IALPA said it is now seeking an urgent meeting with management to negotiate a pay deal that returns pilots to pre-pandemic pay, terms and conditions.

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