
457 international protection applicants are homeless

A total of 457 international protection applicants (IPAs) are homeless, according to the latest figures from the Department of Integration.

Since 4 December, when the State said it could no longer provide accommodation to new arrivals, 593 eligible male IPAs have arrived in the country.

Figures published today show that accommodation was offered to 70 people after an availability and vulnerability triage.

Some 523 people received a contingency payment in lieu of accommodation, while 66 were subsequently offered accommodation.

But 457 applicants are still awaiting an accommodation offer.

This is the second time in 12 months that the State has been unable to provide accommodation to all those seeking international protection amid a “severe shortage”, but the numbers are climbing much faster this time around.

The last time the State ceased offering accommodation to all newly presenting IPAs on 24 January 2023, the number without a place one month later was less than half today’s figure, standing at 208.

It was another month before it passed 400, reaching 408 on 27 March 2023.

The number of IPAs without any offer of State-provided accommodation also climbed significantly this week, increasing by more than 80 since Tuesday, when figures were last published by the department.

In total, 593 new male asylum seekers have presented since 4 December.

Some 136 have been offered a place since then, with 70 after what the department described as “an availability and vulnerability triage” and 66 when a place became available.

When the number of unaccommodated IPAs passed 400 on 27 March 2023, the total number of those eligible, but not initially offered accommodation since 24 January 2023 was 730.

The total number offered a place in the intervening period was 322.

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