
Warmest May on record in Ireland

Last month was the warmest May on record in Ireland, according to Met Éireann, with an average temperature of 13.08C.

This was 2.53C above the long-term average for 1961-1990 and 1.74C above the 1991-2020 long-term average for May.

Last month was only the second time the average temperature for May exceeded 13C.

The previous warmest May was in 2008 with an average monthly temperature of 13.03C.

The coldest May was in 1923 when an average temperature of 8.67C was recorded.

The forecaster’s climate statement shows that:

  • It was the warmest May on record at 13 weather stations including Phoenix Park, Dublin and Malin Head, Co Donegal which have record lengths of 125 years.
  • Three stations had their highest mean maximum temperature for May on record.
  • Some 14 stations had their highest mean minimum for May on record.
  • No air frosts were reported for the third consecutive May.

Met Éireann said that last month “was very mild but also quite dull overall”.

Rainfall totals were highest in the south and north midlands while it was relatively dry in the east and northwest.

Monthly rainfall values ranged from 48% (32.4mm) at Ballyhaise, Co Cavan to 151% (106.5mm) at Mount Dillon, Co Roscommon.

Rainfall totals ranged from 29.3mm at Casement Aerodrome, Co Dublin to 124.7mm at Ireland West Airport, Co Mayo.

The month’s wettest day was also at Ireland West Airport – 34.9mm on Sunday 26 May – when it recorded its highest daily rainfall in May since 2005.

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