
Voting to get under way in referendums on Family, Care

Voting gets under way later on two referendums on Family and Care with almost 3.5 million citizens eligible to cast a ballot.

Polling stations around the country will open at 7am until 10pm for the first electoral event in four years.

People will be entitled to have their say on whether to make further changes to the Constitution

Voters will be given two ballot papers.

There will be a White one for the Family Amendment and a Green one for the Care amendment

It is not necessary to bring your polling card, but the Electoral Commission’s advice is that it is helpful to bring it.

A valid form of ID is necessary, such as a passport, driving license or student ID car.

Some 86,000 people have been added to the electoral register since the start of the year, bringing the total number of eligible voters to almost 3.5 million.

Citizens living on the islands will for the first time get to vote on the same day as the rest of the country – following changes made in 2022.

Counting will get under way at 9am, with two separate declarations of the results, expected in the afternoon or evening.

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