
Unions say business support measures are ‘anti-worker’

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has criticised the business support measures recently announced by the Government, describing them as ‘anti-worker’.

At its monthly meeting, and ahead of a Dáil discussion on the support package, the Executive Council of ICTU said that if the measures are pursued it will leave the lowest-paid, sick, migrant and retired workers paying the price for the Government bowing to business lobbyists.

Last week, the Government announced a range of measures with the aim of reducing costs for small and medium sized businesses.

Among the proposals are additional targeted cash payments to businesses in the retail and hospitality sectors, and an increase to the threshold for the higher rate of employer’s PRSI to take account of recent increases in the minimum wage.

The Minister for Enterprise has written to the Low Pay Commission to ask it to consider a recent report which looked at the cumulative cost to business of Government imposed policy changes.

There will also be a review ESRI research on the impact of statutory sick leave before deciding on any further increases, and a review of the proposed roadmap for increasing minimum annual remuneration thresholds for employment permits.

ICTU said the package of measures seek to undo multi-year commitments to improve wage floors and income protection, which if pursued will disproportionally hurt vulnerable workers and benefit all businesses, not just those struggling.

“This package of supports is designed with one overarching aim – to win over business groups ahead of elections,” ICTU said in a statement.

“Workers and unions won’t easily forget or forgive broken promises,” it added.

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