
Trump lawyers to attack Cohen’s hush money scheme story

Donald Trump’s lawyers plan to resume their cross-examination of the Republican presidential candidate’s ex-fixer Michael Cohen, aiming to undermine his testimony that Mr Trump was intimately involved in buying an adult film actress’ silence over an alleged sexual encounter.

Cohen, 57, who served as Mr Trump’s personal lawyer for over a decade, testified this week that Mr Trump ordered him to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 in 2016 to protect Mr Trump’s presidential campaign.

Mr Trump has pleaded not guilty and denies having a sexual encounter.

The New York case, one of four criminal prosecutions he faces, may be the only one with a jury verdict before his 5 November election rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.

Testifying at the first criminal trial of a US president past or present, Cohen said he and Mr Trump discussed a plan to reimburse Cohen for the payout through a series of bogus invoices for legal fees.

Their chats included one in the White House Oval Office when Mr Trump was president in 2017, Mr Cohen said.

In about two hours of cross-examination on Tuesday, defence lawyer Todd Blanche sought to portray the prosecution’s star witness as a serial liar falsely implicating his former boss to exact revenge and make money off his books and podcasts featuring anti-Trump invective.

Mr Blanche used Cohen’s own words to paint him as unreliably biased against Mr Trump, noting that Cohen had called Trump a “dictator douchebag,” “boorish cartoon misogynist” and “Cheeto-dusted cartoon villain” on podcasts and in social media posts.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, leaving his New York apartment

“He didn’t deliver any hammer blows,” George Grasso, a retired New York state judge who has been attending the trial, said of Mr Blanche’s questioning of Cohen.

“If the case were to end right now, I think that they have enough evidence on the record to justify a finding by this jury beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump is guilty.”

Mr Trump, 77, faces 34 counts of falsifying business records in New York and has pleaded not guilty also in the three other cases he faces.

He characterises all four as an attempt to interfere with his campaign to take back the White House.

‘Retainer’ payment

Mr Trump has argued that his monthly payments to Mr Cohen throughout 2017 were for his work as his personal lawyer to the president, meaning there was nothing improper about the word “retainer” being written on the checks Mr Trump signed.

Prosecutors say the reimbursement payments were falsely labeled as legal expenses in the Trump Organization’s records to conceal the Daniels payoff, which they say violated US election campaign finance law.

Cohen is the 20th and final witness to be called to testify by prosecutors with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office at the trial, which began on 15 April in New York state criminal court.

Mr Blanche told Justice Juan Merchan on Tuesday that he expects his cross-examination of Cohen to last most of Thursday, meaning the defense would have the opportunity to call its own witnesses when the trial resumes next week.

Mr Blanche said outside the jury’s presence that Mr Trump had yet to decide whether to testify.

Cohen carries significant baggage as a witness.

He pleaded guilty to federal crimes in 2018 for offences related to the Daniels payment and lying to Congress during an investigation into Mr Trump’s Russia ties.

He told jurors on Tuesday he lied repeatedly to journalists and others about the Daniels scandal.

But he answered most of Mr Blanche’s questions on Tuesday directly and sometimes subverted their intent, such as when he admitted that he previously admired Mr Trump but likened it to being in a cult.

Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo told jurors in his 22 April opening statement that Cohen’s testimony would be corroborated by other evidence.

So far, that has included tabloid publisher David Pecker’s testimony that he agreed at an August 2015 meeting with Mr Trump and Cohen to be the campaign’s “eyes and ears” for women seeking to sell unflattering stories.

Jurors have also seen a former Trump Organization executive’s handwritten notes outlining Cohen’s reimbursements and heard a surreptitious recording Cohen made of Mr Trump seeming to discuss a hush money payment Mr Pecker’s company made to another woman.

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