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Home / News / Trump gets doctor’s name wrong boasting of cognitive test

Trump gets doctor’s name wrong boasting of cognitive test

Donald Trump is so proud of a cognitive assessment he took while president that he boasted about it in a speech, while attacking what he claims is US President Joe Biden’s lack of mental acuity.

He then got confused on the name of the doctor who oversaw the test.

Mr Trump extolled his powers of mental recall in a speech to hard-right allies in Detroit, challenging Mr Biden to take the same cognitive exam he says he underwent in 2018 with then White House physician Ronny Jackson.

However, he immediately flubbed the name of the former official, who is now one of his loyal supporters in Congress.

“Doc Ronny Johnson,” said Mr Trump, who turned 78 on Friday.

“Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas?” Mr Trump continued. “He said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much.”

As part of his attack on what he says is the 81-year-old Mr Biden’s declining mental acuity, Mr Trump told the laughing crowd in Detroit that the president had been lost while at the G7 in Italy, turning “to look at trees,” while other world leaders were looking at a parachutist who had just landed in an aerial display.

People take photos of Donald Trump at the event in Detroit

The moment Mr Trump referred to is based on a video that has gone viral in right-wing media and Republican circles.

However, the video is misleading because it has been edited, leaving out footage that shows Mr Biden turning away from the other G7 leaders to gesture to a different sky diver who had just landed to his left.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles yesterday, President Biden criticised the US Supreme Court as “out of kilter” at a glitzy fundraiser with former President Barack Obama and Hollywood celebrities that has raised $28 million.

Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel began by showing a video montage contrasting Mr Biden’s record with that Mr Trump, drawing cheers from the audience at a packed Peacock Theater, where Hollywood A-listers George Clooney and Julia Roberts were among the guests.

Mr Biden said told the audience that “the Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today.”

“The fact of the matter is that there has never been a court that is this far out of step.”

He noted that conservative Justice Clarence Thomas had said the court, which overturned the half-century-old federal right to abortion, should reconsider such things as in vitro fertilisation and contraception.

Jimmy Kimmel (L) introduces Joe Biden during the fundraiser, alongside Barack Obama

Mr Trump nominated three of the six conservatives who control the nine-member court.

If Mr Trump is elected again, Mr Biden said, he “is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees.”

“The idea that if he’s re-elected he’s going to appoint two more who are flying flags upside down… I think it is one of the scariest parts,” Mr Biden said.

He was referring to a recent controversy involving Justice Samuel Alito, who allowed flags associated with the movement to reverse Trump’s 2020 loss to Biden – including an upside-down American flag – to fly outside his homes in Virginia and New Jersey.

Democratic politicians, citing the flag displays, have said Judge Alito should recuse himself from a case involving Mr Trump’s claim of presidential immunity from prosecution on federal criminal charges relating to his efforts to overturn the 2020 results.

Since Mr Biden took office, the court’s conservative majority has also restricted affirmative action, gay rights, gun control and environmental regulation. It has blocked the president’s agenda on immigration, student loans, vaccine mandates and climate change.

Mr Obama said “the power of the Supreme Court is determined by elections. What we’re seeing now is a by product of 2016” when Mr Trump was elected. “Hopefully we have learned our lesson. Because these elections matter.”

Mr Biden and Mr Trump are tied in national polls with less than five months to go before the election, while Mr Trump has the edge in the battleground states that will decide the election, recent polls show. On economic issues like inflation, Mr Trump scores higher with voters overall than Mr Biden.

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