
Trump attends defamation case in New York

Donald Trump went straight from his victory in the republican Iowa caucuses to a New York courtroom Tuesday for the start of a defamation trial brought by writer E. Jean Carroll after an earlier jury found he had sexually assaulted her in the 1990s.

In court, the former US president did not make any statements, and he and Ms Carroll avoided looking at each other while jurors were being selected, according to reporters allowed inside the courtroom.

However Mr Trump continued attacking Ms Carroll on his Truth Social platform, reposting a clip from an interview she gave to CNN and writing, “Can you believe I have to defend myself against this woman’s fake story?!”

Addressing supporters at a rally in New Hampshire later in the day, Mr Trump said he planned to attend daily court proceedings in the “phony” case in New York over the next several days, while continuing campaigning.

The shocking defamation case, has had no visible impact on Mr Trump’s bid to retake the White House, and if anything is boosting his standing with his party’s right wing.

Author E Jean Carroll says Mr Trump assaulted her against the wall of a department store in 1996

Ms Carroll, 80, is seeking more than $10 million in damages in the civil trial, alleging that Mr Trump defamed her in 2019 when he was president and she had just come out with her allegation, saying she “is not my type.”

This is separate to a civil case last year where another New York jury found Mr Trump liable for sexually assaulting Carroll in a department store dressing room in 1996 and subsequently defaming her in 2022, when he called her a “complete con job.”

In that case, the jury awarded Ms Carroll $5 million in damages.

This is only one of many trials ongoing for Mr Trump.

He has been indicted in four criminal cases and faces 91 counts on allegations including his attempts to undermine the 2020 election which he lost to Joe Biden, taking stacks of top secret documents, and business fraud.

Mr Trump has embraced his legal problems as evidence of a conspiracy theory in which a nebulous “deep state” is out to stop him from returning to power.

Rape finding

Despite the constant scandal, his fervent base of supporters proved its strength with an overwhelming victory in the Iowa caucuses to choose the republican candidate who will face Mr Biden on Election Day in November.

Mr Trump has used previous trial appearances to seize the limelight and deliver invective-filled speeches, both outside courthouses and, when allowed to speak by the judge, on the witness stand.

He has also used social media posts to issue crude insults against court personnel.

The judge for the trial, Lewis Kaplan, has issued strict instructions to curtail Mr Trump.

Ms Carroll says that in 1996, Mr Trump assaulted her against the wall of a Manhattan department store dressing room, and the previous civil jury agreed.

Mr Kaplan stated unambiguously that Mr Trump had “sexually abused, indeed, raped, Ms. Carroll” and that the Republican cannot now claim otherwise in court.

Ms Carroll’s lawyers last week urged Mr Kaplan to prevent Mr Trump from making “inadmissible, prejudicial” comments in court.

Last week, the former president continued to insist that he had “no idea” who Ms Carroll was, calling her “a wack job” and saying the trial was “rigged.”

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