
TDs to debate referendum wording as Dáil returns

The Dáil resumes today after the Christmas break and TDs will debate the wording of the upcoming referendums on family and care which will be held on 8 March.

As politicians hold their first sitting of 2024 there are expected to be protests outside Leinster House and road closures immediately around the campus.

This morning the Chinese Premier Li Qiang is meeting President Michael D Higgins at Áras an Uachtaráin.

He will also have a bilateral meeting with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh.

Phoenix Park will be closed to traffic until 7pm.

Mr Varadkar said it was important to have good relations with China, but some questions would also have to be discussed.

It is the first time such a high-ranking Chinese official has visited Ireland since 2015.

On the agenda, global and bilateral issues as well as China’s relationship with the EU – at a time when the EU is moving to reduce its economic dependence on Beijing.

Not everyone is welcoming Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Ireland.

The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation said: “There’s a growing apprehension about the influence of China on various facets of Irish society, including political decision-making, the economy, and university campuses.

“Premier Li’s visit, coupled with the warm reception from the Taoiseach, has raised eyebrows among communities such as Hong Kongers, Tibetans, Uyghurs, and other Chinese dissidents residing in Ireland, as well as those concerned about China’s economic sway over Irish affairs.”

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