
Stardust inquests hear no accelerant found by gardaí

The Stardust inquests have heard that no accelerant was found during an examination of the area where the fire was first seen inside the club.

Dr Will Hutchison, a fire expert who has been retained by the coroner to give his opinion on the possible cause and origin of the fire, continued his evidence today at the Dublin District Coroner’s Court.

Forty-eight people died after a blaze swept through the Artane club in the early hours of 14 February, 1981. The victims were aged between 16 and 27.

In court today, Sean Guerin, SC, representing families of the dead, said it was clear that there was a “full Garda technical team” who conducted a “methodical and painstaking” sifting operation of the west alcove over a three-day period. He said the samples taken were analysed and that no accelerant was found.

Dr Hutchinson said that was correct and said the samples taken “would most likely have been picked wisely” by the officers.

Sean Guerin put it to the witness that when the jury come to assess the fact that no accelerant was found, they will have to do so with the knowledge that the “detailed” examination was carried out by a full garda team who were technically qualified team.

“Yes,” replied Dr Hutchinson.

Dr Hutchinson also agreed that if the jury are satisfied with witness accounts from those outside the club who have said they saw fire coming from the roof before the fire was first seen inside the ballroom, then there must have been sufficient fuel in the roof space to fuel the fire they saw.

Earlier in the week, Dr Hutchison told the jury that he had considered and ruled out the fire starting in the roof space, saying there was no significant fire load or fuel in that area.

The inquests continue.

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