
Sharp drop in support for Sinn Féin, poll suggests

A new opinion poll suggests a sharp drop in support for Sinn Féin, as campaigning in the local and European elections enters its final week.

The Sunday Independent/Ireland Thinks poll has recorded a seven-point drop in support for Sinn Féin since last month, to 22%. The poll asked who respondents would vote for if a general election was held tomorrow.

It suggests a significant closing of the gap between Sinn Féin and Fine Gael, whose support has risen three points in the past month to 20%, according to the poll.

Support for Independents has risen by four points to 23% – making them the most popular political group in country.

Fianna Fáil has gained one point to 17%.

The Social Democrats have dropped one point to 5%.

The Green Party is unchanged at 4%.

Labour is unchanged at 3%, while Aontú is down one to 3% and Solidarity-People Before Profit is unchanged at 2%.

The text-based poll was conducted on Thursday and Friday, 30-31 May.

The sample size was 1,770 and the margin of error is +/- 2.4%.

The slump in support for Sinn Féin is consistent with other recent opinion poll trends.

A Red C poll for the Business Post last weekend suggested a four-point drop for Sinn Féin, to 23%.

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