
Ryan, O’Leary fail to agree Dublin Airport passenger cap

A meeting between Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan and Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has failed to see agreement reached between both men on Dublin Airport’s passenger cap.

Speaking after the meeting, Michael O’Leary said there was no meeting of minds.

Mr O’Leary accused the minister of being “all talk, no action, no delivery”.

However, Eamon Ryan described the meeting as “good” and added however that there were areas of agreement and disagreement.

He insisted that the planning process must be respected and that he would be breaking the law by intervening and removing the passenger cap.

Currently, Dublin Airport cannot expand beyond 32 million passengers per year.

Mr O’Leary warned that growth would instead be directed to other European countries.

He rejected suggestions that regional airports, like Shannon and Cork, could be expanded instead, telling reporters that people travelling to Ireland mostly want to go to Dublin.

Mr Ryan added that one area they agreed on was the need to reach net zero by 2050 and said Ryanair was making “good progress” in that regard.

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