
Resignations offered as Macron election fallout continues

When the French President Emmanuel Macron told his prime minister of his decision to call a snap election just hours before announcing it on television, Gabriel Attal tried to dissuade his boss asking him to accept his resignation instead, two sources told journalists.

“I can be the fall guy,” Mr Attal implored Mr Macron, after his efforts at dissuasion went nowhere, according to a minister and another government source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Mr Macron declined his prime minister’s offer and a few hours later, as exit polls showed Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) trouncing his ticket, he dissolved parliament.

The resignation bid by Mr Attal, initially reported by Le Monde newspaper and other French media, underlines how Mr Macron’s shock decision to bet the house on snap elections was not universally applauded by his camp and threatened to prematurely curtail their political project.

Mr Attal’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal offered to resign from government

The 34-year-old Mr Attal, France’s youngest ever prime minister when he took office in January, has been mooted as a potential successor for the presidency in 2027, but now risks losing his job to the RN’s 28-year-old party president Jordan Bardella.

Mr Attal was unaware of Mr Macron’s plans, which he had kept from all but a tiny circle of advisers, the sources said.

Among them was Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, another potential successor and snap vote advocate, and Bruno Roger-Petit, an ex-journalist-turned-strategist who has masterminded Mr Macron’s rightward shift over the last few years.

Mr Macron’s calculation, which he had arrived at with close advisers over several weeks before the announcement, was that it was better to blindside his opponents with an immediate election than wait for inevitable conservative no-confidence motions later in the year when he would be weaker.

Marine Le Pen has welcomed the call for a snap election

At a hastily convened cabinet meeting on Sunday night, shortly after announcing the snap vote, stunned ministers listened in silence as Mr Macron said he wanted to give the French people a chance to “take back control” of their parliament, and reinstate order in an increasingly chaotic chamber, sources said.

Mr Attal has yet to make any public comment, although he told politicians behind closed doors that the “die was not cast” and that he would do everything to “avoid the worst”.

There was also wide concern across Europe.

Mr Macron has long been frustrated by the fractious lower house that resulted from the previous parliamentary elections in 2022, when he lost his governing majority, with hard-left politicians in particular often using spectacular filibustering tactics.

His entourage said the president made his decision after last week’s 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, when he met people out and about who said they were tired of endless political fighting in parliament.

However the plan came into sharper focus as it became clear Ms Le Pen would inflict a humiliating defeat in Sunday’s vote.

One source with knowledge of Mr Macron’s battle plan said he is convinced he can win, betting that the short campaign, the minimum allowed by the constitution, will wrongfoot his foes.

The source said Mr Macron also expects the left to fail to unite this time round, unlike in 2022 when Greens, Socialists and the radical left France Unbowed agreed on a common platform that did well in the two-round voting system.

Another source close to Mr Macron said the possibility of giving the RN a platform to display incompetence ahead of the 2027 presidential election for which Ms Le Pen is the frontrunner was also on his mind.

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