
Political analysis to begin on rejection of referendums

Political analysis will begin today following the public’s rejection of Government proposals to change the Constitution.

Voters overwhelmingly rejected proposed changes to Care, with almost 74% voting against it – which is the highest ever ‘No vote’ percentage in an Irish referendum.

The Family referendum was also resoundingly defeated with just over 67% of people voting against the amendment.

There were no Government representatives present at Dublin Castle yesterday when the results were declared in the two separate announcements by returning officer Barry Ryan.

Instead the coalition will this morning start to reflect on what was the highest ever No vote in any question put to the people.

The referendum on Care – which proposed deleting the reference to a woman’s life in the home and replacing it with a recognition of care within the family – was heavily defeated with 73.9% voting No.

The referendum on widening the definition of family to include those based on durable relationships was defeated, with 67% voting No.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he was one of a number of people who got it wrong and as head of Government he would accept responsibility.

Minister for integration Roderic O Gorman, said he was extremely disappointed and would reflect on the campaign.

He told RTÉ’s This Week programme that it is likely the leaking of advice from the attorney general on the wording of the referendums would be investigated.

Peadar Tobin of Aontú, the only Dáil party to call for No No votes, said the results had exposed a bubble in the world of politics.

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