
Nina Carberry seeks Fine Gael nomination in EU elections

The former champion jockey and businesswoman Nina Carberry is to seek the Fine Gael nomination to run in the European Parliament elections in the Midlands-North West constituency.

In a message to Fine Gael members, she said: “In the Ireland and Europe of today, it is more important than ever for those who believe they can make a difference to put their hand up to make things happen. As a mother of two, that is why I want to contest the European Elections for Fine Gael this June to ensure a bright future for all.”

Ms Carberry said honesty, hard work, and plain talking will define her approach.

She said: “Growing up in a family of Fine Gael supporters, lively debates and radio discussions were part of our daily lives. Fine Gael’s core value of equality of opportunity resonates deeply with me. As a candidate, I embody this principle.”

Ms Carberry “humbly” asked for support in the upcoming selection convention.

In the last European elections, both Mairead McGuinness and Maria Walsh won seats for Fine Gael.

When Ms McGuinness stepped down to become a European Commissioner, her place was taken by Colm Markey.

In her pitch to Fine Gael members, Ms Carberry said: “I want to be a champion for balanced regional development, making sure every town and village has access to the services and infrastructure that allow people to live and work locally.

“I also want to connect and restore communities by supporting the work of the many voluntary groups and businesses to create vibrant spaces across the region.”

She added: “Farmers and small businesses do so much for our communities and Europe can do a lot for them. I want to reduce the burden on farmers and businesses by simplifying the red tape they need to complete to access support.”

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