
New search and rescue operator granted air certificate

Bristow Ireland, which is taking over the contract to provide search and rescue services for the Irish Coast Guard, has received its Air Operator Certificate (AOC) from the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA).

The company described it as a significant step as it prepares to transition to the new contract in the fourth quarter of 2024.

In August 2023, Bristow signed an agreement with the Department of Transport for the provision of rotary and fixed-wing aviation services for the Irish Coast Guard.

“Gaining an AOC is a fundamental requirement to provide search and rescue in Ireland,” said Neil Ebberson, Bristow Director Government Services.

“It was awarded after the successful completion of a lengthy application and assessment process run by the IAA and ensures the highest standards of professionalism and safety are met in the country,” Mr Ebberson said.

Last month, Bristow Ireland reached an agreement with the Forsa trade union and its Irish Airline Pilots’ Association (IALPA) branch.

The agreement covers agreed terms and conditions of employment, as well as a comprehensive disputes resolution procedure between the parties.

The employees involved will transition to Bristow up to June 2025.

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