
Man jailed for 11 years for raping wife with objects

A man who repeatedly raped his wife with various household objects while she was unconscious in an “egregious breach of the normal trust between a married couple” has been jailed for 11 years.

The Dublin man, 49, was found guilty by a jury last month of 11 counts of sexually assaulting his wife in the family home on unknown dates between January 2005 and September 2014.

The verdicts were handed down following a retrial, after the jury in the first trial returned not guilty verdicts to four counts and was unable to agree on the remaining counts.

It was the State’s case that the now 50-year-old woman was unconscious and unable to give her consent when her husband, who cannot be named to protect her anonymity, carried out the rapes.

He has no previous convictions.

In her victim impact statement, which she read out at a previous sentence hearing, the woman described her shock at discovering her husband had been using her for his “sick fantasies”.

The woman said that the moment she discovered the “perverse, indecent, hideous images” on her husband’s home computer of him raping her with various implements – “It was like a bomb went off in my head”.

“He changed my past, my present and my future,” she said.

She said she had so many unanswered questions. “Why had he done this to me? How long had it been going on? How did I not know? Was he always this way?”

The woman said she felt she was married to a stranger, who had inflicted “the most heinous and violent abuse” on her.

Sentencing the man this morning, Mr Justice Paul Burns said it was difficult to convey what the woman had gone through.

He said not only had she discovered that her husband and the father of her children was someone “completely different” to the man she thought he was, but that she also had to sit through a number of trials where “degrading and dehumanising images” of her were shown to the juries.

She bore these trials “with immense courage and dignity”, the judge said.

The judge noted there was little that could be said in mitigation for the man, who continues to maintain his innocence. He engaged in an “egregious breach of the normal trust between a married couple” by raping his wife repeatedly and over a protracted period of time, he said.

Mr Justice Burns handed down a sentence of 12 years and suspended the final year on a number of conditions, including that the man engage in a course on sexuality and consent upon his release from custody.

The court previously heard evidence that the woman discovered the images when she went searching for a video her husband had of taken her when she was drunk.

The woman said her husband had threatened to send this video to her parents and she wanted to delete it. The court heard the woman had a drinking problem during their marriage, which she later addressed through counselling, and that she was on medication for depression.

The defence case was that all of the sexual acts that took place were consensual. He has been in custody since he was convicted.

In her victim impact statement, which was read out by one of the investigating gardaí in the case, the woman said she deleted every memory of the man from her family home.

“But I can’t delete the pain, humiliation and degradation he put me through,” she said.

The woman thanked her family and gardaí for their help and support. She said she will now begin the process of healing.

The man’s sister took the stand at his sentence hearing and outlined his family background. The court heard the man came from a hard-working family. He was privately educated and previously had a good career, the court heard.

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