
Legislation on biodiversity loss to be reviewed

A review of the State’s legislation protecting wild animals, birds, habitats and landscapes is to open next month, with input of the public being sought.

It aims to update legislation to combat biodiversity loss and protect nature. Penalties for wildlife crime, enforcement measures, and licensing requirements will all be examined.

Legislation that will come under the review includes the wildlife acts and European regulations protecting birds and natural habitats.

The review was announced by the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan.

“This is the biggest review of wildlife legislation for a generation. It is vital that the public have their say.

“We want to hear from the public how the legislation can be improved, what extra protections should be provided and what the priorities should be.”

The review is expected to lead to updated legislation that better protects nature, helps prevent biodiversity loss, is fully compliant with EU law and is easier to enforce and comply with.

The measure was included in the 2020 Programme for Government which committed to review the protection (including enforcement of relevant legislation) of our natural heritage, including hedgerows, native woodland and wetlands.

The first phase of the review will be an online public consultation and will run from mid June until September. Other phases of public consultation will take place later and the entire review is expected to take a number of years to complete.

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