
Jury resumes considering verdicts in Stardust inquests

The jury in the Stardust inquests has resumed considering its verdicts on what is its fourth day of deliberations.

The coroner said this morning that the jury can only make determinations in relation to the 48 people who lost their lives.

It followed a question from the jury about one of the victims, who, the court has previously heard, was in the early stages of pregnancy.

Jurors had asked if they could make a determination on a “49th victim”.

Dr Myra Cullinane said that was outside the scope of these inquests, but said they could formally record the fact the victim was pregnant in their findings.

In February 1981, 48 people died when a fire swept through the Artane nightclub.

These fresh inquests into the deaths began last April and sat for 122 days before the jury last week retired to consider its verdicts.

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