
Irish-produced Trump biopic premieres at Cannes

A controversial new biopic of Donald Trump shown at the Cannes Film Festival on Monday paints an unflinching but nuanced portrait of the former US president, even as he runs again for the White House.

The Apprentice, which includes the Dublin-based Tailored Films among its producers, traces Trump’s origin story as an ambitious young property developer in 1970s and 1980s New York.

Sebastian Stan at Cannes – The Marvel star portrays Donald Trump in The Apprentice

Sebastian Stan, best known from Marvel superhero films, stars as Trump, and Jeremy Strong of Succession fame plays his ruthless mentor and attorney Roy Cohn – and both received glowing reviews from Cannes critics.

Initially presenting an almost sympathetic portrayal of a headstrong but naive social climber, the film charts Trump’s decency being eroded as he learns the dark arts of dealmaking and tastes power.

Its premiere at the French film festival came while Trump faces a hush-money trial in Manhattan.

The movie begins with a disclaimer that many of its events are fictionalised, and director Ali Abbasi puts that licence to full use.

The Apprentice director Ali Abbasi walks the red carpet at Cannes on Monday

The Apprentice appears to have already infuriated Trump’s team.

His campaign communications director Steven Cheung said a lawsuit would be filed “to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers”.

“This garbage is pure fiction which [sic] sensationalises lies that have been long debunked,” added Cheung in a statement to AFP.

Iranian-born director Abbasi is a Cannes regular. His serial killer fable Holy Spider played in competition two years ago.

The Apprentice begins with a young Trump, obsessed with joining the city’s elite and dreaming of his own luxury hotel, even as he spends his days personally collecting rent from his father’s tenants.

His life is transformed by an encounter with Cohn, whose harshly nihilistic lessons such as “admit nothing, deny everything” and “attack, attack, attack” will become Trump’s manifesto in later life.

Cohn made his name as a fearsome lawyer by hunting Communists for Senator Joseph McCarthy and sending Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to the electric chair.

Far from a simple hatchet job, The Times of London even argued The Apprentice would “make you feel sympathy for Trump”. Variety said it was “sharp and scathing, but it avoids cheap shots”.

The screenplay was written by Gabriel Sherman, a journalist who covered real estate for The New York Observer in the 2000s and regularly spoke with Trump.

The film is one of 22 in competition for the festival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or. A jury headed by Barbie director Greta Gerwig will unveil its winner on Saturday.

Cannes jury president Greta Gerwig

Asked whether it was possible for an American woman to be objective in judging a film about Trump, Gerwig said she would come to the film with “an open mind and an open heart, and willing to be surprised”.

Source: AFP

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