
Independent John Moran leads Limerick Mayor race

Independent John Moran remains the lead in the race to become the first directly elected Mayor of Limerick as the count continues into it second day.

After eight counts, and the elimination of eight opposing candidates, including sitting Green TD Brian Leddin, John Moran is on 19,719 votes, still over 5,000 ahead of his nearest rival Helen O’Donnell who is on 14,288 votes, followed by Fianna Fáil’s Dee Ryan on 12,937.

Fine Gael’s candidate Richard Butler is on 11,337 and Sinn Féin’s Maurice Quinlivan is on 9,528.

John Moran has maintained a significant lead over his nearest rival Helen O’Donnell who has not gained ground on him despite the distribution of over 12,600 votes over eight counts from eight other candidates. The gap of just over 5,000 votes between them has not shifted significantly since the first count.

The gap between Helen O’Donnell in second place and Dee Ryan is 1,351, and has not narrowed since count one, but has widened slightly.

Count eight saw the elimination of candidates Elisa O’Donovan of the Social Democrats who is on 3,799 votes and Independent Frankie Daly on 5,689 votes.

Count nine, due to get under way this morning will see the distribution of their combined 9,488 votes, which has the potential to cause a shift in the position of the remaining five candidates, and change the current position of the top three.

Thousands of votes remain to be distributed and Fine Gael’s Daniel Butler and SF’s Maurice Quinlivan have almost 21,000 votes between them, the distribution of which could decide who will become the first elected Mayor of Limerick.

The quota is 39,873 for this contest.

Today’s count will be an intriguing and nail biting day, and barring a recount, one which in the end will deliver the country’s first directly elected Mayor.

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