
Hamas responds ‘positively’ to US ceasefire plan

Hamas has said its “positive” response to a US ceasefire plan for the eight-month-old war in Gaza opened a “wide pathway” to reach an agreement, but the outlook was uncertain as neither the Palestinian group nor Israel publicly committed to a deal.

Hamas submitted its formal response yesterday to a proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden on 31 May.

Israel said the response was tantamount to a rejection, while a Hamas official said the Palestinian group merely reiterated longstanding demands not met by the current plan.

Egypt and Qatar said they had received Hamas’ response but did not disclose the contents.

Earlier, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said in a statement the group’s answer was “responsible, serious and positive” and “opens up a wide pathway” for an accord.

Another Hamas official told Reuters the response reaffirmed the movement’s stance that a ceasefire must lead to a permanent end to hostilities in Gaza, withdrawal of Israeli forces, reconstruction of the Palestinian territory and release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

“We reiterated our previous stance. I believe there are no big gaps. The ball is now in the Israeli courtyard,” the official said.

The United States has said Israel accepted its proposal, but Israel has not publicly stated this.

As Israel continued assaults in central and southern Gaza that are among the bloodiest of the war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly said Israel would not commit to an end of its campaign in Gaza before Hamas is eliminated.

An Israeli official said the country had received Hamas’ answer via the mediators and that Hamas “changed all of the main and most meaningful parameters.”

The Israeli official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Hamas “has rejected the proposal for a hostage release that was presented by President Biden.”

Earlier a non-Israeli official briefed on the matter, who declined to be identified, said Hamas proposed a new timeline for a permanent ceasefire with Israel and withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, including Rafah.

The UN Security Council voted in favour of a US resolution supporting the proposal outlined by Mr Biden.

Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters that Hamas accepted the Security Council resolution and was ready to negotiate over the details of a ceasefire.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in Tel Aviv to meet Israeli officials, described the comments by Hamas as a “hopeful sign” but said they were not conclusive.

More important “is the word coming from Gaza and from the Hamas leadership in Gaza. That’s what counts, and that’s what we don’t have yet,” Mr Blinken told reporters in Tel Aviv.

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