
Govt offers ‘temporary shelter’ in response to storm

The Department of Integration has said it will offer “temporary shelter” to unaccommodated International Protection applicants who are rough sleeping this weekend in response to Storm Kathleen.

In a statement provided to RTÉ’s News at One programme a spokesperson said: “In response to reports of Storm Kathleen and potential extreme weather in Ireland over the weekend, IPAS (the International Protection Accommodation Service) is providing an offer of temporary shelter for persons who are actively rough sleeping.

“The arrangements will be temporary in nature and will be available for the duration of the extreme weather event.”

A number of rough sleeping International Protection applicants are sleeping in tents in the streets around the International Protection Office in Dublin 2.

On Saturday 16 March around 150 unaccommodated International Protection Applicants living there were moved to an alternative site in Crooksling in Co Dublin and the area was cleared.

However in the days that followed tents reappeared at the site.

Some of those who had been moved to Crooksling and offered tents there returned, citing concerns about the remote nature of the site and how exposed it was to the elements.

Asylum seekers who arrived in the country since the 16 March are also among those rough sleeping in the area.

The number of International Protection applicants who remain without any offer of State provided shelter continues to rise, passing 1,600 today.

The latest figures published by the Department of Integration show there are now 1,620 asylum seekers without any offer of State provided shelter, up 91 since Tuesday.

The Department does not include those staying in non-military tents, such as those in Crooksling, as among those formally “accommodated” by the State.

The State ceased offering accommodation to all eligible male asylum seekers who present seeking International Protection, citing a “severe shortage” in available accommodation.

Since then 2271 men have presented seeking protection in Ireland.

Just 239 have been offered accommodation following a vulnerability triage when they first presented.

Some 412 men who were initially refused accommodation received a subsequent offer of a space, and all were prioritised for accommodation because they were either rough sleeping or were deemed medically or otherwise vulnerable.

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