
Gardaí seize files from Ian Bailey’s flat in west Cork

Gardaí investigating the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier have conducted a search under warrant at the flat in Bantry, Co Cork, where chief suspect Ian Bailey had been living up to the time of his death last Sunday.

A large quantity of items were seized, including a laptop, memory sticks and personal notebooks, along with personal items from which a DNA profile could be built.

The search was carried out by local detectives involved in the Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder investigation, along with detectives from the Serious Crime Review Team, who are conducting a cold case review of the original investigation.

The items taken will now be further examined to establish if they can be of evidential value to the garda investigation.

In a statement to RTÉ News tonight, a Garda spokesman said: “As part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier in 1996, Gardaí conducted a search under warrant of a residential property in Bantry, County Cork, earlier today.

“As this is an ongoing investigation, An Garda Síochána will not be commenting further at this time.”

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