
Gardaí say 11 arrests in connection with attacks on IPAS

A total of 11 people have been arrested since May last year in connection with arson attacks or criminal damage of International Protection Accommodation Services centres, or suspected IPAS locations.

In an opening statement to the Oireachtas Justice Committee, An Garda Síochána said there is no evidence of an “overarching conspiracy” in relation to arson attacks, however it continues to keep an open mind.

An Garda Síochána members are due to appear before the Justice Committee this evening, to discuss recent arson attacks.

They will say that arson attacks are “difficult to investigate as evidence can often literally be burnt to cinders”, adding that at times there is no CCTV footage either.

Along with arrests already made, several other investigative files have been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions, or are due to be sent shortly, the committee will hear.

In relation to its investigation of an arson attack on a hotel in Roscahill, Co Galway, An Garda Síochána will say that there is an ongoing technical examination of a number of mobile phones and 250 statements taken.

TDs and Senators will be told that gardaí have encountered significant levels of misinformation and disinformation regarding rumoured accommodation for International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS).

“In most cases, those rumours turn out not to be true,” the statements says.

Gardaí will also tell the committee that some incidents are mistakenly reported as arson attacks.

It cites one building damaged during the riots in Dublin as an example of such misreporting, explaining that it was instead found to be criminal damage.

Separately, a total of 37 people have been arrested in connection with riots in Dublin last November.

An Garda Síochána said that it is reviewing over 20,000 hours of footage from 140 different CCTV feeds and it expects to make further arrests.

In its opening statement, an Garda Síochána said that its investigation into those who allegedly incited “such shocking and disgraceful criminal action via social media” continues.

The statement says that last year 45 people were arrested in relation to potential illegal activity at anti-migration protests, while 11 have been arrested so far this year.

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