
Gardaí continuing search of Dublin park for missing man

A search at a public park in Dublin is due to resume this morning as part of the investigation into the disappearance of an Icelandic man who went missing in Dublin five years ago.

Jon Jonsson left the Bonnington Hotel on the Swords Road in Whitehall at around 11am in the morning on 9 February 2019.

The 41-year-old was last seen a short time later walking passed the entrance to Highfield Hospital and heading in the direction of the Collins Avenue junction.

Gardaí at Ballymun, supported by the underwater unit and specialist cadaver dogs, began the search at Santry Demense yesterday morning.

The park is approximately 3.5km from where Mr Jonsson was last seen.

The search, which involve searching areas including a lake, island and woodlands in the park, was started following information received by gardaí in two anonymous letters.

It is understood the information is vague and the investigation team has appealed to the author, or authors, of the correspondences to make direct contact with them.

Mr Jonsson had been in Ireland with his fiancée to attend a poker tournament and for a holiday.

He is described as being 1.82m (6ft) tall, of medium build, with short brown hair.

Last week his brother and sister travelled to Dublin last week to join gardaí in making a fresh appeal for information.

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