
Funeral of Nicole Morey taking place in Limerick

The funeral is taking place of Nicole Morey in Limerick city.

The 23-year-old died after she was attacked by a dog at a house where she was living in Ballyneety last Tuesday night.

Ms Morey, who was originally from Bawnmore View in Crossagalla, had celebrated her birthday that day.

The cortège carrying her remains arrived at the Holy Family Church in Southill shortly before 11am.

The chief mourners – her mother Lisa, father Patrick and ten siblings – have been joined by hundreds of people at the mass.

The chief celebrant, Fr Pat Hogan, described the death of Nicole as “a horrendous tragedy.”

He said there has been “shock and horror at the great tragedy that took place” last week.

The cortège carrying her remains arriving at the Holy Family Church in Southill

Fr Hogan said Nicole’s life was “cut short in the most brutal fashion.”

During the homily, he spoke of her “goodness and generosity” and he described the 23-year-old as “pure, beautiful and good.”

The front of the altar in the Holy Family Church is adorned with floral tributes.

Many of the bouquets and arrangements include images of Nicole.

Some people attending the funeral are also wearing t-shirts that her picture has been printed on.

Nicole Morey will be buried following her requiem mass in the nearby Mount St Oliver cemetery.

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