
Final pitches in referendum campaigns ahead of vote

The campaigns for two referendums on family and care are drawing to a close, with the broadcast moratorium due to begin at 2pm.

The Electoral Commission has said citizens should remember it is their Constitution and to consider the questions carefully.

Both sides have been making their final pitches in what has been a low key and at times criticised as a lacklustre campaign.

On the question of whether or not to expand the definition of family, Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys said it was simple and straightforward what people were being asked in the referendum.

“Currently, in our Constitution, we define the family as a married couple. We are asking the public to amend the constitution to recognise that families are not just based on marriage,” she said.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Today with Claire Byrne, the minister also said if the care referendum is passed, it will mark the first time care is recognised in the Constitution.

However, Independent TD Michael McNamara said that to vote yes tomorrow in both referendums would have profound implications.

He said people should not be settling for second best on the wording and if in doubt vote no.

All political parties except Aontú are advocating two yes votes

But party sources say the outcomes are far from certain.

With questions seen as complex, many voters are yet to make their minds up.

There is also some concern around low voter turnout.

Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm tomorrow, when voters will have their first chance to cast a ballot on any matter in four years.

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